What to do in uncertain times in property

Last updated: 1.37pm, Tuesday 15th November 2022 by

We look at the current situation, the best stratgy, the opportunities and share some thoughts with you to develop your property portfolio.

By Gordon Campbell
November 2022


This was a question I was asked when doing a recent talk to a room of investors, so here are some thoughts.


There’s no questioning the uncertainty in the market right now.


But there’s a major difference between being aware of the situation…


…and being consumed by the dramatisation from the mainstream media.


Honest reports of event just don’t get clicks or views.


Therefore, the headlines must be extreme to get people’s attention.


Gone are the days of a balanced opinion, healthy debates or proper reporting with factual evidence.


The media has certainly had a field day and the coverage has been very extreme too - picking up the energy crisis, food prices and mortgage rates and throwing the negativity out there like its the end of the world.


The media do have a lot to answer for in proliferating fear through sensationalised reporting in my opinion.


It's not all doom and gloom as the media enjoy portraying. 


What’s our advice and thoughts?

If you let uncertainty take control, it’ll lead to paralysis and inaction.


Property investing should be a medium to long game unless...


  • You trade in buying and selling (flipping) which is not investing or  
  • You are in the process of buying and the lender has changed the terms, or have offered and it no longer stacks.  


House Prices in Glasgow Since 1970

There will always be highs and lows in the property market.

There is more demand than supply.

That will never change

Look at investing from a medium to long term perspective and you cannot loose.

Add the benefit of the properties we sell to you combined with the additional growth.

The graphs say it all!

Glasgow House Price Graph 1970 to 2017

Glasgow House Price Graph 2015 to June 2022

It's not all doom and gloom as the media enjoy portraying. 


We suggest you avoid getting too bogged down in reading the newspapers and the negativity that proliferates.

Instead stick to the people and advisors you know and trust, and listen to a variety of views.


Warren Buffet once said “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”. When the market crashes, the fear sentiment is high, and when the market rises, greed dominates.  



As a property investor with knowledge, you should be prepared for the potential short term issues and review, analyse and look at scenarios.

BUT ALSO consider the upside opportunities:

There is more demand than supply of properties for sale than rent in Glasgow and surrounding areas due to the strong economic growth.

That demand will not change.

Also seriously consider the properties and one stop solution and 40 years’ experience we offer you that no one else gets:

  • Off market and below market value properties
  • The right properties in the right area at the right price
  • Strong capital growth areas
  •  Strong rental demand


Please keep this in mind and DON’T lose focus on your game plan.


Thank you for reading and we are always available for a call if you wish to discuss your strategy and how we can help you and share our 40 years’ experience with you.


Thank you.