
Visit this page often to keep track of the latest information about the Glasgow marketplace and to stay up to date about the latest news from Alliance Property Group


What Does The New UK Government Mean for The Property Market?

What impact will a new UK Governement have on the property market?

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Property, Political and Economic Market Snapshot : July 2024

July matrket snapshot and how the General Election is unlikely to stall property market recovery

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Alliance Property Group: Market Snapshot for June 2024

Here is the latest property, economic and political news

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What Compliance Certificates Do I Require?

What compliance requirements do you require as a landlord in Scotland?

Here we look at what they are, what they mean and how we help you.

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What's happening in the Glasgow housing market?

The Glasgow housing market continues to outperform the rest of the UK.

Here is why.

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How Our Power Team Gives You a Massive Advantage: Part 2

Who is in our Power Team and how we are all here to help you and hold your hand at every stage of the process.

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How Our Power Team Gives You a Massive Advantage: Part 1

We look at why and how we built a power team, and the importance of having the right team around you and the massive advantages it gives you.

In part 2 that will be sent next week, we will share Who Is in Our Power Team?

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Why We Only Get and Sell The Best Off Market Properties To You

We share why we only sell off market properties and the unique and exclusive  benefits it gives to you.

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House prices rise for fourth month in a row as 2024 starts with a bang

We look at the current property market data and how you can benefit from it.

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Where is the UK's current buy-to-let growth hotspot?

Glasgow is reveiled as UK's buy-to-let hotspot. Here is the detail and how you can benefit from it.

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Government confirms rent increase procedure from 1st April 2024

Good news!

The rent cap legislation ends on 31st March 2024. Here are the details.

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Market Summary 2023 and 2024 Forecast

We look in detail the 2023 property market for sales, rent, inflation, interest rates and to what we expect in 2024.

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The Power of Property Investing

If you are not sure about investing, then read this.

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Do You Want to Start Investing in Property and Not Sure How To?

If you or your friends want to invest in property have no experience or training and not sure where to start, then we can help you. 

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Alliance Property Group: Q3 Market Review 2023; Important Updates

Inflation Down, Unemployment Down, Mortgage Rates Down, House Prices Up, Rents Up. 

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House prices will quadruple within the next generation

More demand for sales and rent. The market is changing. How can you take advantage of that?

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Why Is The Glasgow Economy and Property Market One of The Best in the UK?

This blog details the reasons for the continued strong sales and rental growth in Glasgow and surrounding areas.

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Annual House Price Growth in Our Main Area: The Highest in Scotland at 12%

Our main investment area has again had the highest regional house growth.

Here is the detail and how you can benefit from it.

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Q3 2023 House Price, Rental and Economic Update

Glasgow has the strongest and best perfoming economy in the UK.

Rental demand is huge and house prices are all up.

The detailed report explains the reasons and the opportunities for you.

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There Is A Huge Demand for Rental Properties in Glasgow

Rental demand in Glasgow and metropolitan area is at an all time high and is set to continue.

Here are the reasons and how you can benefit from it.

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